Fight Club

I quite detest the ‘personality tests’ and analyses that give motherhood statements about people – this is all very Barnum effect IMO and close enough to astrology for the scientifically inclined. Sort of like the Jaggi Vasudev for the classes who is just riffing off Baba Ramdev for the masses. I’d wager to say most of us would find it reasonably hard to come up with a perfect personality description of ourselves.

But if there is one thing I am abso-fucking-lutely sure about and I don’t need any test to tell me is that I am very high on avoiding confrontation. I avoid even ones at work if I can and yes, I know that’s a terrible thing. But (I think!) I’ve learnt of ways to get around it as far as I can. When a confrontation is imminent, I steel myself for it, prepare a lot and try to douse it with humour, reminding myself this isn’t the end of the world.

What this long prologue meant to say is that I’ve never been the kind of person to get into fights. A lot of people fight in high-school and early college – I personally don’t think I’ve had a proper fight since primary school? Can’t recall one at least – perhaps I’ve blanked it out. So if anyone told me that in 2021, into the 4th decade of my life – I would be having a brawl assaulted (let me not flatter me for my future self) on the road – probably wouldn’t have thought that as too likely.

But here we are 3 days past the incident, still licking my wounds – my rib cage hurts on one side if I breathe too heavily or stretch too much – and it is fair to recap this incident which I hope does not ever repeat.

Finished instructor led driving sessions Tuesday evening. Something I’ve been putting off for years (learning how to drive), only enabled because wife was literally handed a vehicle. Why would you shove a huge vehicle on these crowded roads? I understand the need to drive long distance but in cities like Mumbai to drive on the road is quite nuts. I detest especially owners of big ass SUVs. I digress again, anyway I felt OK and quite confident though through my lessons, albeit one mustn’t read too much into it with an expert sitting besides you. Was recommended to go out and drive on your own – ‘you’re almost there’. So I decide to drop the wife to work the next morning – great way to practice right? Almost don’t go because she’s late but I’ve already got dressed and come down so after some yes-no-yes… off we go. Drop her off OK enough, although not perfect by any means. Then on the way back – in front of a bank on a service road I don’t leave enough buffer on my left side and I scrape against a car parked on the side of the road on the front. Some scraping, probably mild dent on both vehicles – probably the low speed helped.

At this stage I’m nervous but more apologetic than scared. I somehow reverse, and turn forward. The guy is asking me to park on the side, ahead of his car. I park (somehow reversing and then turning) and step out. Hands are shaky even as I try to get the key out. Seems bossy and demanding, but fair enough – his morning’s probably looking terrible now. I apologize. I see a couple of faces in the back – wife and mum probably. He asks for my license and I hand it over to him. Asks where I’m from, I give a landmark close by. Tells me I’ll need to pay. I say the insurance should sort it out. He says his insurance is screwed – already has two deductions. Hands me over a paper to justify this and make sens,e of which I barely manage to note the date on – it’s the 6th of Jan. He takes a picture of the damage and Whatsapps it to his agent, follows it up with a call. ‘You call your guys, I’ll call mine’. Shows me an estimate to say it’ll cost 10 grand.

In the interim I’m calling my driving insurance to make sense of things. I first send him a picture to get an idea of how bad the damage is. He luckily picks up and guides me through this since as a complete noob – I have not spent enough time understanding how automobile insurance works. He tells me that yes I did understand this correctly – the insurance will handle it, I have no cause for worry. If his insurance has an issue, that’s his headache to deal with. I try to tell this to my ‘friend’ subtly – but it seems to instigate him more. Tells me to speak to ‘my guys’, while he will speak to ‘his guys’. My attempts to douse this with humour saying ‘I have no guys’ doesn’t seem to work. Somewhere in between, he’s clicked a photo of my driving license and I’ve clicked a snap of his vehicle – both the part hit and the license plate. Now he’s also asking for my address and telling me to ‘text it’ to him.

My opponent is now telling me to come to the insurance office @ Navale Bridge with him and pay whatever they ask for. I even speak to the person from the insurance office from my phone – he gives me a number. She says yes, only 50% of the amount will be paid from insurance. What about the rest? She couldn’t care less. We both do another round of phone calls. My instructor is clear – no need to pay, if it’s too bad I can come over. If he has any issues, tell him to come to the police chowki and sort it out. Surely it’s manageable I tell him and put down the phone.

I hesitatingly make this suggestion to my antagonist here who’s probably losing it by the minute. He’s asking for my address again which I – now emboldened by his increasing rudeness- say I don’t need to give him. This refusal is an affront and the threats for violence suddenly cross over into reality as he smacks me across the face. Mask now pulled down, wide-eyed with rage a few kicks come my way as well. Lots of cussing – the maa behen types. Were there some punches to or was it a kick to the ribs? Its kind of blurred – I really wonder how people write blow by blow accounts of their adventures or life stories.

I defend or shield myself best as I can but truth be told I don’t have the ability or intent to actually beat him back. And there’s a part of me which is thinking – surely now he needs to back off. A small crowd has gathered or people walking by have stopped at least. I’m glaring back by now and call him the marathi word for an idiot. This leads to some more cuss words from his end and he wants me to get back into the car. Emboldened by what’s happened – I don’t and ask him to get back into his first and not tell me what to do. And I tell the crazed maniac that now I will certainly go to the cops. This leads him to throwing a brick at the car. When I still don’t get back he throws another brick to damage the car back and breaks a tail light. I’m at the front of the car at this time and he’s being ushered back into his car – frothing at the mouth – by his wife and mum. The wife said something to me amidst this but it barely registered.

It seems he’s exiting the scene so it seems prudent to let that happen before anything else. I’ve back in my car, trying to look in the rear-view mirror to be sure he’s disappeared. Also attempting to pull up my windows to avoid having to speak or even look at him if he drives past. I somehow manage to drive back home safely enough despite getting in a weird position while turning from a service lane into a main road which the cops waiting behind me seemed glad to ignore (some lucky break at least). I come home, park in one go- examine the damage from the bricks which is not as bad as I thought. He had a good aim and was able to break the tail light without any other damage.

I speak to my instructor before I go upstairs – who seems astonished it came to this, but tells me that I now have the upper hand and must call the cops immediately to ensure he doesn’t get away with it. This is not exactly what is on the top of my mind at this point of time but after getting upstairs, it seems like the bare minimum I need to do especially after I note the light bruising on my fingers and arm. Makes sense to actually go to the police station so I go off with dad (on a scooter) – the first one is a station where we’re told to actually go to a chowki to register a complaint. The right noises are made (we just want to document our side), more documents are demanded and after an embarrassing moment where I didn’t remember the own vehicle number and some offense taken from the cops for asking them too many questions when ‘they’re trying to help me’, I’m back at home licking my wounds as the adrenaline comes down and my legs start to wobble towards the evening.

There’s a part of me which is hoping nothing much comes of this considering the impudence and connections one needs to have to even attempt an altercation like this. There’s another which is hurt that somebody dared enter into my personal space and assault me. Would this have been possible had I been more physically intimidating? Probably not unless I bulked up beyond the normal – I’m reasonably tall and look healthy (even if I’m not) – definitely not like a pushover. But the manner in which ‘we’ speak and conduct ourselves is unlikely to help there. AS told me this happens to drivers once in 10 years, you just had this experience right upfront so you should be safe for a decade now. Many more lessons to be learnt I’m sure- if not simply consequential ones from an unexpected experience – for e.g. my forays behind the wheel that have followed have been far more jittery (despite my instructors insistence to not give that up). But rather than make this a LinkedIn post equivalent – best to leave it at this replay and a #neveragain…

New Years Nostalgia

Damn. I wrote this on NYs Eve and should’ve posted it then and there. In any case – the statute of limitations for wallowing in delusions and hope about the year extends till the end of January; so posting it as it is.

Since this New Years eve does seem particularly ripe to consume the potent cocktail of existential mid-life angst with a healthy side of a petty pity party (invite for one only), I thought it would be a useful exercise to record fading memories from yesteryear so that if when this does happen once again I may recognize it as a trend and not an outlier. I am not sure if that is better or worse for ones mental health, but it is a ‘data’ point as they say in the TQ trainings I did this quarter.

I’ve never been a great party animal on New Years Eve, lest my 40 year old memory become to rose-tinted for my own good. A lot of New Years Eve celebrations as a teenager were more about pretending to celebrate or go through the motions around the cheap-ass firecrackers at Masunda lake amidst the crowd or some average (to be charitable) house parties. I also recall more than one occasion that I left home as late as I could just to minimise the outdoor precursor and go straight to the house party which is just another catch-up with the same conversations you’d have any other day of the year.

What I miss particularly this year is the lack of even the possibility of something remotely exciting happening which kind of bubbles beneath. Sure you know more often than not it’s not going to be any great shakes but there is the sense of anticipation to build towards the evening at least? And perhaps the sense of the collective to the start of the year – however an artificial construct it may be – to be with other people (read: friends) who care about this too (even if you internally think you’re better than falling prey to these kinda things). But when contrasted with family members who are well beyond caring too much about this or have better priorities to look forward to, it does seem to be a valuable (enviable) experience.

Anyway, as I sip my Nescafe pre-mix Cafe Mocha (because surely this is an occasion to have a Rs. 25 cup of coffee at home) which I made as silently as I can in this apartment which has a kitchen linked directly to the living room (which doubles up as a bedroom at night since the other bedroom has only a sliding door and no effing window which makes it rather unusable) – I shall continue my walk down memory lane.

2021: A surreal year because so much happened which one did NOT expect at the beginning of the year. To be honest, there are very few years I could actually say this about i.e. I did not have an inkling at the beginning of the year where I am likely to be at the end of it. 2010 and 2012 obviously, but those were changes more internally driven even if not totally in my control. 2017 perhaps when I changed my job, 2015 where post marriage I wasn’t sure where I will be living and there is the sense of the unknown in living with a new person. 2019 as well but wasn’t a huge shocker and more reactive for me given it was not my career move to make. This year – through no contribution of my own – very different. And personally it is a metamorphosis of sorts at least? I suppose I should do a proper follow-up on takeaways from the past year and what to look forward to in next – this is not the post for that.

New Years eve though probably set new lows. A day without too much work intended or done, some reading deadlines which I tried to make in vain (I will finish my quota for this year a day late – it’s fine, I make the rules). Graham Greene’s melancholy A Quiet American is now gettting quite interesting on Audible. The other – a history of Indian advertising by Ambi Parmeswaran – I shouldn’t have started in hindsight given it’s just a list of anecdotes around commercials of yesteryear which is good for nostalgia and academics but little else. I digress. Also featuring Driving class. Furniture repair guys. Crib assembly which reinforces that I am no DIY person. General household spring cleaning. Cranky toddler leading to a veneer of irritability through the house. Deciding on no fancy meal or ordering from outside and having dinner with a sabji of sponge-gourd i.e. gilka (that will be tough to beat). Couldn’t be more vanilla a day if I’d have tried. If they didn’t unexpectedly burst firecrackers in this corner of Pune, may not even have realised it.

2020: Spent 30th and 31st in Mumbai in the Lower Parel office doing exciting stuff like uploading the IT Return proofs and getting a new credit card delivered amongst other things – the work as always fades into the background. Went to KPs Mulund place (the rented one) for the first (and last) time. Remember going quite late wearing the green sweatshirt in Mumbai. The usual conversation, the usual ribbing, the gradual falling asleep of people until it was me, RK & KP at 5 am in the morning. Left around 6-am-ish to catch the first Shivneri back to Pune and stood on the wrong side of the highway waiting for the bus. If there was ever a signal about starting the new year ulta this was it.

2019: Not particularly exciting, but memorable AF since I spent the turning of the year at 30,000 ft. on a Turkish Airways flight between Istanbul and Doha. The day started by checking out in Tel Aviv, took the train back to Jerusalem’s Ben Guiron airport, then killing time at the airport and thinking awfully long on what savories to spend the last of my shekels on. Connection to Istanbul. A couple of hours breathing the air of the Ottomans, then fortunately permitted to board the flight to Doha (there was that question mark about being permitted to travel from Israel to an Arab state). Doha Airport couldn’t care less about the New Year so I hailed a cab with a chatty Nepali driver who took me home for a princely sum at 2 am in the morning.

2018: I’d come back from a wedding in Delhi followed by a week of my friends’ hospitality only a day prior. Had a formal photoshoot for a 3 month K (this seems way longer than 3 years ago) in one of the western suburbs. Came back around 4 pm and later we all went to Runwal Nagar for a dinner ‘party’ – a cake with fruits on it and a poor order of biryani from Behrouz. I recall spending the time in-between filling up mediclaim forms to get attested from hospital to claim maternity benefits.

2017: Had returned from Vietnam a couple of days prior. Think I spent the morning finishing William Dalrymple’s The Last Mughal which I was reading over there? The night was about BBC – Beer, Biryani & The Crown (Season 1) which had then released . My partner for the evening predictably dozed off without binging through the season as agreed.
Side anecdote #1: I never did see past Season 2 – as of writing we are on the more scandalous season with Diana which released a few months ago. Side anecdote #2: the acronym BBC equated to ‘fun’ comes from my days in Hyderabad where a ZBM in Tirupati Zone (KK) used to have a team outing every year for the whole zone known as Beer, Biryani and Cricket which had achieved quite the cult following all through the circle.

2016: Went to Amritsar on the morning of the 1st (or was it the 2nd?). Had some local pastry – the Om Sweets kinds – at home around midnight. Think had an invite to DJ N’s party with his most yo! roomies N, S and co. this year which we bailed on (shocking). Can’t really recall too much about the day, Google Photos isn’t proving too helpful either.

2015: Post shaadi and return from Indonesia, at PYs & R’s friends house somewhere far off in Thane. Didn’t know quite a few folks there but was the most ‘fun’ I can recall in these last few years. Some dancing, lots of people, a lot of breaking the ice and then running home in the early hours where I recall most strikingly, discussions around how girls and especially new bahu’s have to be conscious of their image in a new environment the way boys don’t need to.

2014: Entering truly fuzzy memory territory here but I have a pointed memory of buying plastic glasses and soda at the midnight hour from the one of those kirana stores at the Monalisa building roundabout since I had decided I would join everyone else post-their dinner jaunt in town. Ended up travelling to PY’s apartment somewhere on Ghodbunder road which was in a state of great unuse and quite unclean. Some local Chinese takeaway had been picked up but no cutlery so the defining memory of this night is eating noodles and manchurian balls out of polythene with fingers. And there was no running water, someone went down to ask the watchman to start the water pump at 3 am (which fortunately did happen). We watched music videos on someone’s laptop (English of course, thank you RK) until dawn broke via a dongle (pre 4G era remember). Such excitement. Much wow.

2013: A most motley trio (me, AN, SD) – watched a Tom Cruise move (Jack Reacher IIRC), ate at NJP in the mall opposite MGF Metropolitan on MG Road in Gurgaon and then while walking back in the cold got lathi’d by a cop outside the infamous Sahara Mall of Gurgaon. We then went to one of those matchbox apartments in Gurgaon, maybe watched a movie and then I went back to my guesthouse in Sector 40 Gurgaon (Shagun Apartments, #NeverForget).

2012: Probably the only true ‘party’ of the decade. I was in XL and for some reason in a bit of a foul mood and recall going on a cleaning spree before we all hopped across to the quadrangle in TSTMR. I recall nothing specific about this party but it probably did well not to achieve notoriety and was the usual Wet Night, the value of each which is in gold.

2011: In Khed, somewhere in the middle of rural Konkan with the gang. The discovery of the #LoveGuru amongst us (and he’s certainly lived up to that reputation now a decade later). KK in his first relationship and everyone else’s shock and awe. The other KK (Dr. KK now) as well, a bit more scandalised. Was a lovely trip – never was able to join on one of those ones again. Some fun photos and memories. Recall coming home and trying to do accounts homework lol.

Pre-2010 is lost to the sands of time. I recall one which was planned with the KJ gang which never happened? Or was that something else? In any event – as previously mentioned there was a lot of walking around at Masunda lake, meeting (seeing) people from school you hadn’t met for a while. There was one where we walked to the erstwhile cool mall of North Mumbai – Nirmal Lifestyle – from Checknaka just so some people could be with a cool crowd. Definitely once ate at a McDonalds on NYEs where I recall putting notes of Rs.10 together to afford a slightly fancier burger than the usual. Aah…nostalgia – you pain from an old wound…